Changes in the UNE-EN 1709 standard

We inform you of the changes in the UNE-EN 1709 standard relative to the safety requirements of cable transport facilities for people – Examination prior to commissioning, maintenance and controls in operation. The widespread application of ropeways as public transport in urban areas advised a…

01 Sep 2020 Posted by SEMSA in Standard, SEMSA @en, Ropeways no comments

Another Mexican speaking piece of news

In the middle of construction of the Mexiteleférico from Ecatepec, SEMSA has already moved one of his collaborators in situ. As part of the supervision, SEMSA is in charge of checking everything which is related to the electromechanical system. SEMSA is the project&works supervisor of…

08 Apr 2015 Posted by SEMSA in SEMSA @en, Lifts @en no comments
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